; "The Mandelbrot Set"
; Derived from an algorithm described in "Chaos & Fractals"
; by Peitgen, Jurgens & Suape
; coded by Ron Thomas 17/5/99 Ron_Thom@Compuserve.com
;The Mandelbrot Set
;This is "The" clasic fractal, which was discovered by Benoit Mandelbrot in 1979 and
;is a complex object in mathematical space. Many fractals have been discovered since.
;Ron Thomas
;Email:leguanyuan at 126 dot com
.model flat,stdcall
option casemap:none
include windows.inc
include kernel32.inc
includelib kernel32.lib
include user32.inc
includelib user32.lib
include gdi32.inc
includelib gdi32.lib
hInstance dd 0
hWinMain dd 0
szClassName db "made by correy",0
pwndclassex dd 48,3,offset liuchunli,0,0,0,0,0,6,0,offset szClassName,0
stMsg MSG <>
cxClient DD ?
cyClient DD ?
x DD ? ;Coordinates of point to be plotted
y DD ?
x_offset DD ? ;Horizontal offset
y_offset DD ? ;Vertical offset
colour DD ? ;Plotting colour
k DD 60 ;20 ;Larger #s for more detail. 5 is crude 20+ is reasonable
outside DD ? ;Flag we are outside the set
w DD ? ;Sets size of the fractal
half_w DD ?
temp DD ?
r real4 2.0 ; encirclement radius (enlargement control)
s real4 ?
im real4 ?
im2 real4 ?
imc real4 ? ;Imaginary part of "c"
re real4 ?
re2 real4 ?
rec real4 ? ;Real part of "c"
recen real4 0.0 ;Set to change the focus of the algorithm
imcen real4 0.0 ; " " " "
scaleX real4 0.0 ;Scaling factors
scaleY real4 0.0
RGB MACRO red, green, blue ;; Get composite number from red green and blue bytes
mov al,blue ;; ,,,blue
shl eax,8 ;; ,,blue,
add al,green ;; ,,blue,green
shl eax,8 ;; ,blue,green,
add al,red ;; ,blue,green,red
and eax,0FFFFFFh ;; Mask out top byte to complete COLORREF dword
testit proc uses ecx ; Test for encirclement of the Mandelbrot Set
mov outside,TRUE ; Start with flag set
fld rec
fstp re
fld imc
fstp im
mov ecx,k ; Get param controlling the detail
add ecx,2 ; Set loop index
.WHILE ecx > 0
fld re
fmul re ; st=re^2
fst re2
fld im
fmul im ; st=im^2,st(1)=re^2
fst im2
fistp temp
cmp temp,256 ;Reject if over 256
jb SHORT ok
ok: fld re ;st=re
fmul im ;st=im*re
fadd st,st ;st=2*im*re
fadd imc ;st=2*im*re+imc
fstp im ;Update im
fld re2
fsub im2
fadd rec ;st=re2 - im2 + rec
fstp re ;Update re
dec ecx
.ENDW ; Go round again
mov outside,FALSE ; Flag its outside
testit endp
liuchunli proc uses ebx edi esi,hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam
.if uMsg == WM_CLOSE;放置后面会反应更快点。
invoke DestroyWindow,hWinMain
invoke PostQuitMessage,0
.elseif uMsg == WM_SIZE
finit ; Initialise coprocessor
mov eax,lParam
and eax,0FFFFh
mov cxClient,eax ; Compute X offset
shr eax,3 ;
mov x_offset,eax ;
invoke GetSystemMetrics, SM_CXSCREEN ; Get screen width
mov temp,eax ;
fild cxClient ; Compute scaling factor
fidiv temp ;
fstp scaleX ;
mov ebx,lParam
shr ebx,16
mov cyClient,ebx ; Compute Y offset
shr ebx,3 ;
mov y_offset,ebx ;
invoke GetSystemMetrics, SM_CYSCREEN ; Get screen height
mov temp,eax ; Compute scaling factor
fild cyClient
fidiv temp
fstp scaleY
.IF eax <= 480 ; Set magnification according to resolution
mov w, 640
.ELSEIF eax > 480 && eax <= 600
mov w, 800
mov w, 1000
RGB 0,0,255 ;Set colour blue
mov colour,eax
.elseif uMsg == WM_PAINT
invoke BeginPaint,hWnd, ADDR ps
mov hdc,eax
finit ;Initialise the coprocessor
mov eax,w
shr eax,1
mov half_w,eax
fld r
fidiv w
fadd st,st ;Compute s as 2*r/w
fstp s
mov y,0 ;Set outer loop index
mov esi,w
.WHILE esi > 0
mov x,0 ;Set inner loop index
mov edi,w
.WHILE edi > 0
fld s
mov temp,edi
fild temp ;Get inner loop index (x)
fisub half_w ;Subtract w/2
fadd recen ;st=s*(x-w/2) + recen
fstp rec
fld s
mov temp,esi
fild temp ;Get outer loop index (y)
fisub half_w
fadd imcen ;st = s*(y-w/2) + imcen
fstp imc
invoke testit ;Test if outside the set (TRUE)
.IF !outside ; and plot inside points only Set X,Y coordinates for plotting
mov x,edi
fild x
fmul scaleX
fiadd x_offset ;X coordinate = (x + x_offset)
fistp x
mov y,esi
fild y
fmul scaleY ;Y coordinate = (y - y_offset
fisub y_offset
fistp y
invoke SetPixel, hdc, x, y, colour ;Draw the fractal
dec edi
dec esi
invoke EndPaint,hWnd, ADDR ps
invoke DefWindowProc,hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam
xor eax,eax;这两行可以去掉?
liuchunli endp
start: invoke GetModuleHandle,0
mov hInstance,eax
mov pwndclassex+20,eax
invoke LoadCursor,0,32512;加载箭头鼠标。
mov pwndclassex+28,eax
invoke RegisterClassEx,addr pwndclassex
invoke CreateWindowEx,200h,offset szClassName,offset szClassName,0Cf0000h,80000000h,80000000h,80000000h,80000000h,0,0,hInstance,0;0Ca0000h
mov hWinMain,eax
invoke ShowWindow,hWinMain,1;若不想显示,此行也可以去掉。
again:invoke GetMessage,addr stMsg,0,0,0
cmp eax,0
je exit
invoke DispatchMessage,addr stMsg
jmp again
exit:invoke ExitProcess,0
end start
;made at 2011.09.24