; Generating the Feigenbuam diagram, which illustrates the onset of chaos.
; by Ron Thomas 19/5/99
; Ron Thomas Ron_Thom@Compuserve.com 15/5/99
;Feigenbaum Diagram
;This example illustrates Feigenbaum's period doubling demonstation of the onset of chaos.
;Refer to "Chaos and Fractals" by Peitgen, Jurgerns and Saupe if you want to delve into
;this interesting branch of mathematics.
;Ron Thomas
;Email:leguanyuan at 126 dot com
.model flat,stdcall
option casemap:none
include windows.inc
include kernel32.inc
includelib kernel32.lib
include user32.inc
includelib user32.lib
include gdi32.inc
includelib gdi32.lib
hInstance dd 0
hWinMain dd 0
szClassName db "made by correy",0
pwndclassex dd 48,3,offset liuchunli,0,0,0,0,0,6,0,offset szClassName,0
stMsg MSG <>
cxClient DD ?
cyClient DD ?
x DD ? ; Coordinates of point to be plotted
y DD ?
xx DD ? ; X coord we actually plot
hide DD 10 ; Iteration control (small >more detail)
two40 DD 240 ; Selected to give the best picture
temp DD ?
STATUS dw 0 ; Status word
k real4 ?
p real4 0.01
one real4 1.0
scaleX real4 0.0
CompareFP PROC
FCOM ; a,b
FSTSW STATUS ; Store status word
SAHF ; AH > flags register
JA SHORT BIGGER ; Jump if a > b
BIGGER: STC ; Flag that a > b
CompareFP ENDP
liuchunli proc uses ebx edi esi,hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam
.if uMsg == WM_CLOSE;放置后面会反应更快点。
invoke DestroyWindow,hWinMain
invoke PostQuitMessage,0
.elseif uMsg == WM_SIZE
mov eax,lParam
and eax,0FFFFh
mov cxClient,eax
fild cxClient ; Compute scaling factor
mov temp,800
fidiv temp
fstp scaleX
mov ebx,lParam
shr ebx,16
mov cyClient,ebx
.elseif uMsg == WM_PAINT
invoke BeginPaint,hWnd, ADDR ps
mov hdc,eax
finit ;Initialise the coprocessor
mov x,1
mov edi, 720
.WHILE x < edi ; Move along x axis
fild x
fidiv two40 ; i/240
fadd one ; 1 + i/240
fstp k ; New K value
mov esi,1
fsub p ; 1-p
fmul p ; p*(1-p)
fmul k ; k*p*(1-p)
fstp p ; Update p
cmp esi,hide ; iterate a few times
jl skip
fld1 ; Push 1.0 onto stack
fld p ; p,1
invoke CompareFP ; p > 1 ?
jc skip ; Jump if true
fldz ; 0,p,1
fstp st(2) ; > st=0,p
invoke CompareFP ; p < 0 ?
jnc skip ; jump if less than 0
fild x
fmul scaleX ; scale x value
fistp xx
fld1 ; 1
fsub p ; 1 - p
fimul cyClient ; scaled value
fistp y ; Y = scaled value
invoke SetPixel, hdc, xx, y, 255
skip:fstp st ; Flush 2 values off stack
fstp st
inc esi
cmp esi,400 ; Test against iteration number
; Use 800 for more detail - it is however slower
jl next_point ; Go round again
inc x
invoke EndPaint,hWnd, ADDR ps
invoke DefWindowProc,hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam
xor eax,eax;这两行可以去掉?
liuchunli endp
start: invoke GetModuleHandle,0
mov hInstance,eax
mov pwndclassex+20,eax
invoke LoadCursor,0,32512;加载箭头鼠标。
mov pwndclassex+28,eax
invoke RegisterClassEx,addr pwndclassex
invoke CreateWindowEx,200h,offset szClassName,offset szClassName,0Cf0000h,80000000h,80000000h,80000000h,80000000h,0,0,hInstance,0;0Ca0000h
mov hWinMain,eax
invoke ShowWindow,hWinMain,1;若不想显示,此行也可以去掉。
again:invoke GetMessage,addr stMsg,0,0,0
cmp eax,0
je exit
invoke DispatchMessage,addr stMsg
jmp again
exit:invoke ExitProcess,0
end start
;made at 2011.09.24