.model flat, stdcall
option casemap:none
include ntddk.inc
include ntoskrnl.inc
includelib ntoskrnl.lib
include hal.inc
includelib hal.lib
correy db "made by correy",13,10,0
homepage db "http://correy.webs.com",0
DriverEntry proc pDriverObject:PDRIVER_OBJECT, pusRegistryPath:PUNICODE_STRING
invoke InbvAcquireDisplayOwnership; //Takes control of screen
invoke InbvResetDisplay; //Clears screen
invoke InbvSolidColorFill,0,0,639,479,4; //Colors the screen blue
invoke InbvSetTextColor,15; //Sets text color to white
invoke InbvInstallDisplayStringFilter,0; //Not sure but nessecary
invoke InbvEnableDisplayString,1; //Enables printing text to screen
invoke InbvSetScrollRegion,0,0,639,475; //Not sure, would recommend keeping
invoke InbvDisplayString,addr correy; //Prints text
invoke HalDisplayString,addr homepage; //Prints text
mov eax, 0
DriverEntry endp
end DriverEntry
;made at 2011.05.29